Professional activities (till 2004)
- Principal organizer: Conference New Developments in Logics of Knowledge and Belief, New York, 2004 - Program Commitee Chair: Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Carnegie-Mellon University, 2004
- Principal organizer: Conference “Constructivism in Mathematics, Logic and Computer Science. Commemorating the Centennial of Andrei Markov, Jr.”, New York, 2003
- Co-organizer: Conference “Kolmogorov and Contemporary mathematics, Section on Logic and Complexity Theory”, Moscow, 2003
- Co-editor: Tarski Centennial Volume of APAL, 2003-2004.
- Principal organizer: New York Logic Colloquium, 2001-present
- Principal organizer: CUNY Computer Science Colloquium, 2001-present
- Managing Editor: the journal Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
- Editor: the monograph series Studies in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics, Elsevier Science Publisher
- Elected Council Member: Association for Symbolic Logic , 1995 – 1996, 2000-present
- Advisory Board Member: Advances in Modal Logic , 1998-present
- Elected Member: Association for Symbolic Logic , the Committee on Translations, 1966-present
- Member: Honorary Consulting Board of the journal Studia Logica , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993-1995
- Member: Organizing and Program Committee of the Biannual IEEE Symposium Logical Foundations of Computer Science , 1994 – present
- Member: Program Committee of the Workshop on Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications , FLoC’02, Copenhagen
- Member: Program Committee of the Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC’00 ), Brazil, 2000
- Member: Organizing Committee of the Annual IEEE Symposium Logic in Computer Science , 1991 – 1997
- Head: the Logic Section of the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information , Aix-en-Provence, France, 1997
- Principal co-organizer: the Colloquium Logic in Eastern Europe at the International Congress of Logic, Methodology & Philosophy of Science, Florence, Italy, 1995
- Member: Program of the Annual EACSL Symposium Computer Science Logic, Padderborn, Germany, 1995
- Member: Program Committee of Logic in Computer Science Symposium , Luminy, Marseille, France, 1994
- Principal co-organizer and the Program Committee co-chair: the International Conference Proof Theory, Provability Logic, Computation, Bern, Switzerland, 1994
- Member: Organizing Committee Member: Logic in Computer Science Symposium, Luminy, Marseille, France, 1990
- Principal co-organizer: VIII USSR National Conference on Mathematical Logic, Moscow, 1986
- Member of several professional societies, many theses committees.
Positions held
- Moscow State University since 1984; currently Professor and Head of the Laboratory for Logical Problems in Computer Science
- USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute: Researcher 1980, Senior Researcher 1986, Leading Researcher 1990-present
- Cornell University: Visiting Professor at Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, Center for Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Mathematical Sciences Institute, 1995 – 2001
- Stanford University, Department of Computer Science, Center for the Study of Language and Information: Visiting Scholar in 1989, 1990, Visiting Professor in 1997 (three one month visits)
- University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science: Visiting Professor in 1994 (three months)
- Bern University, Switzerland, Institute for Computer Science: Visiting Professor in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 (four one month visits).
- CNRS, Laboratory for Discrete Mathematics, Marseille, France: Visiting Professor in 1993 (three months)
- University of Siena, Italy, Graduate School in Mathematical Logic: Visiting Professor in 1991, 1993 (two one months visits).
- CNRS, Laboratory for Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics in Montpellier, France: Visiting Scholar in 1992-93 (an academic year)
- University of Montpellier, France: Visiting Professor in 1991 (two months)
- USSR Academy of Sciences, Optimal Control Institute: Researcher 1978, Head of a research project 1979-1980
- Grant ARO DAAH04-96-1-0341 under the MURI program Integrated Approach to Intelligent Systems, 1996 – present (within a team)
- Grant from Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research 96-01-01395, 1996-98 (principal investigator)
- Grant “Scientific Schools” from Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research, 1996 (principal investigator)
- Cooperation agreement between PRL group at Cornell University and Laboratory LPCS at Moscow University, 1995 – present (principal co-investigator)
- Grant from the International Science Foundation NFQ300, 1995-96 (principal investigator)
- Cooperation agreement between IvyTeam, Switzerland, and Laboratory LPCS at Moscow University, 1994 – present (principal co-investigator)
- Grant INTAS 94-2412 from the European Community, 1994-95 (within a team)
- Grant from Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research 94-01-21086, 1994 (principal investigator)
- Grant from the International Science Foundation NFQ000, 1993-95 (principal investigator)
- Special grants from Elsevier Science Publisher and Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993 (principal investigator)
- Cooperation agreement between logic groups at Amsterdam University and Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991-1997 (principal co-investigator)