Plenary and Colloquium Talks (to 2005)
- Mathematisches Oberseminar: Mathematische Logik, Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich, 2005
- Moscow Computer Science School, Moscow, 2004
- Conference “New Developments in Logics of Knowledge and Belief”, New York, 2004
- International Logic and Computer Science Semester at Tel Aviv, Logic and Computation. Tel Aviv, 2004
- 9th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science EWSCS’04. Estonia, Palmse, 2004
- Conference Provability Logic: New Frontiers, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2004
- Computer Science Logic Symposium, a keynote evening lecture (ps, pdf). Vienna, Austria, 2003
- Kolmogorov and Contemporary Mathematics, Moscow, 2003
- Brooklyn College, Computer Science Colloquium, 2002
- Lecture series: North American Summer School in Logic Language and Information (NASSLLI’02) ( ps, pdf ), 2002
- Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Software, Beijing, 2002
- Tsinghua University – Beijing, Mathematics Colloquium, 2002
- Tsinghua University – Beijing, Computer Science Colloquium, 2002
- New York Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Lecture in Computer Science, 2002
- Computer Science Colloquium, Berne University, 2002
- Dagstuhl-Seminar on Proof Theory in Computer Science, Germany, 2001
- AMS session on Proof Theory and Foundations of Mathematics, Columbus, Ohio, 2001
- International Conference on Logic, Algebra and Set Theory, Steklov Institute, Moscow, 2001
- Logic Colloquium’01 , Section Philosophy and History of Logic, Vienna, 2001
- Moscow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation, 2000
- Cornell University, Math Department Colloquium, 2000
- Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation ( WoLLIC’00) , Natal, Brazil, 2000
- Moscow Mathematical Society, 2000
- Ohio State University, Columbus, 2000
- Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Intsitute of Computer Science, 2000
- Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2000
- Tel Aviv University, Department of Computer Science, 1999
- Workshop Collegium Logicum: Proof Theory, Vienna, Austria, 1999
- Spinoza Lecture from European Association for Logic, Language and Information , 1999
- Lecture series, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI’99), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1999
- Plenary address at the European Summer Meeting of Association for Symbolic Logic (Logic Colloquium’99 ), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1999
- Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications, Workshop, Trento, 1999
- Tutorial Workshop Realizability Semantics and Applications, Trento, Italy, 1999
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Mathematics, 1998
- Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1998
- Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation ( WoLLIC’98 ), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998
- Tutorial at Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation WoLLIC’98 , Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998
- Tutorial at Symposium Advances in Modal Logic ( AiML’98 ), Uppsala, Sweden, 1998
- George Boolos Symposium, M.I.T., 1997
- Workshop on Logic, Language and Computation (LLC’6), CSLI, Stanford, 1997
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Session Control and Verification of Hybrid Systems (joint talk with A.Nerode), San Diego, 1997
- Cornell University, Department of Mathematics, 1997
- Stanford University, Department of Mathematics, 1997
- University of California, San Diego, Department of Mathematics, 1997
- Cornell University, Department of Mathematics, 1966
- Moscow University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Colloquium, 1996
- European Symposium Computer Science Logic ( CSL’96 ), Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1996
- Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und Logik, Zurich, Switzerland, 1995
- Proof Theory conference, Oberwolfach, Germany, 1995
- International conference on Non-Standard Logics, Irkutsk, Russia, 1995
- INTAS Workshop Logic in Computer Science, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1995
- Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1995
- Princeton University, Department of Computer Science, 1995
- Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und Logik, Bern, Switzerland, 1994
- International Conference Logic and Algebra dedicated to the memory of Roberto Magari, Siena, Italy, 1994
- IEEE Symposium Logical Foundations of Computer Science ( LFCS’94) , St. Petersburg, Russia, 1994
- Logic conference Amsterdam-Muenster, the University of Muenster, Germany, 1994
- Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und Logik, Zurich, Switzerland, 1993
- CNRS, Laboratory for Informatics, Robotics asnd Microelectronics in Montpellier, France, 1993
- Graduate School in Mathematical Logic, Siena, Italy, 1993
- CNRS, Laboratory for Discrete Mathematics, Marseille, France, 1993
- Annual conference Block seminar Berne-Zurich in Informatik und Logik, Bern, Switzerland, 1992
- Second Russian National Conference on Applied Logic, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1992
- Symposium in Logic and Informatics, Luminy, Marseille, France, 1992
- IEEE Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS’92) , Tver, Russia, 1992
- CNRS, Laboratory for Informatics, Robotics asnd Microelectronics in Montpellier, France, 1992
- Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1992
- CIRM Colloquium in Logic and Computer Science, Marseille, France, 1991
- Conference Provability-Interpretability-Arithmetic, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1991
- University of Florence, Logic Colloquium, Italy, 1991
- Kleene’90 Symposium, Varna, Bulgaria, 1990
- II USSR National Conference in Applied Logic, Novosibirsk, USSR, 1990
- Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1989
- IX USSR National Conference in Mathematical Logic, Leningrad, USSR, 1988
- Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1987
- VIII USSR National Conference in Mathematical Logic, Moscow, USSR, 1986
- Algebra i Logika Seminar, Novosibirsk, 1986
- Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1985
- University of British Columbia, Canada, Department of Mathematics, 1983
- University of Calgary, Canada, Department of Mathematics, 1983
- University of Manitoba, Dapertment of Mathematics and Astronomy, Winnipeg, Canada, 1983
- Moscow University, Department of Logic and Computation, 1980
About 20 contributed and short (1/2 hour or less) conference talks (including such confereneces as CADE , TARK , CSL , LFCS , etc) .